Maximize your relationship with the Georgia Chiropractic Association by becoming a GCA Partner! Partnerships bundle advertising, sponsorships and conference booths to help you reach chiropractors throughout the year and SAVE! These partnership packages truly pay for themselves!
Bronze Partner ($2,500):
- Quarter page ad in magazine for a year
- Fall Conference Booth
- Logo on conference materials
- GCA mailing list
Silver Partner ($6,000):
- Half page ad in magazine for a year
- Spring Conference Booth
- Fall Conference Booth
- Cocktail party at Spring and Fall Conferences
- Logo on conference materials
- Mailing list
Gold Partner ($10,000)
- Full page ad in magazine for a year
- E-newsletter sponsorship for a year
- Spring Conference Premium Booth
- Fall Conference Premium Booth
- Banner Ad on Website
- Conference luncheon sponsor/speaker
- Listing on conference materials
- Use of GCA mailing list + emails
- One video sent to GCA email list per year
- Podcast AD
Platinum Partner ($25,000)
- Two-page ad in magazine
- E-newsletter sponsor
- Banner ad on website
- Premium double booth at Spring Conference
- Premium double booth at Fall Conference
- Conference luncheon sponsor and speaker
- Two video email sent per year + posted to social media
- Holiday party sponsorship
- GCA after 5 hosted at their location
- Listing on conference materials
- Use of GCA mailing list + email
- Podcast AD
Diamond Partnerships are available! Please contact the office for more information.
Click here to become a partner or contact Diane Hamby, Director of Membership and Operations, for more information, or call her at 770-723-1100